Version control with Git and GitHub

Version control with Git and GitHub

Part 2 - Installing and configuring git

For Windows:

Access the URL below and download the latest version:

Git Bash will be installed, which will allow manipulation of Git by command line.

For Mac:

It can be installed through the address below:

For Linux:

To install on Ubuntu or any Debian distribution, for example, just type in the terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install git

See command for other Linux distributions:

I. Basic settings

Initially, it's important to identify ourselves to Git. In a terminal, run the commands below, replacing them with your data:

$ git config --global "XYZ"
$ git config --global

II. Creating a file for versioning

Let's train with a text file, for example. It could be your code file, of course. Create a file in your home folder called musics.txt.

Inside the file, we can type the following content and save:

Let It Be (The Beatles)

Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones)

House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals)

Three excellent songs. I'm going to put one of them here just to relax a little:

Where is my home folder? Okay, on Linux, just type in the terminal:

$ echo ~

Result will come something like:


III. Versioning the file with Git

1. Create a repository

Create a directory with the command:

$ mkdir songs

Now, access the created folder:

$ cd songs

This is a common folder. We need to turn it into a Git repository. To turn the current directory into a Git repository, simply run the git init command:

$ git init

As a result, something like this should appear:

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/xyz/songs/.git/

A hidden folder called .git is created inside the directory.

2. Track the file

Let's analyze the status of the musics.txt file in the repository. For this we use the command:

$ git status

The output should be:

On branch master

Initial commit

Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use
"git add" to track)

Git itself already provides some tips for you, how to use the git add command to add the file to the stage area.

In order for the file to be tracked, then let's run the suggested command:

$ git add musics.txt

Now, if we run git status again, we get new output:

On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

new file: musics.txt

3. Write the file to the repository

To write the changes to the repository, we must run the command:

$ git commit -m "Initial music file"

The git commit command was invoked with the -m option to inform the commit message. A way to organize and guide commits.

Now if we run git status again, we get the output:

On branch master

nothing to commit, working directory clean

4. Change the file

Let's insert one more line in the musics.txt file as a change:

Hey Joe (Jimi Hendrix)

Once we change the file, either adding or removing content, we need to check the status again:

$ git status

We will see that the git output shows the file as modified:


To track the modification, we must run the command git add again:

$ git add musics.txt

With the modification tracked, we can write it to the repository, with the git commit command:

$ git commit -m "Inserting new music"

We should have an output similar to:

[master] Inserting new citation

1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

5. Check the log

To check the recording history, we run the command:

$ git log

In Part 3, we are going to share the file on GitHub. See you soon.

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